
FCL Portrait


Metastasis III: Interactions

Installation / Performance


Bioart / Generative Art / Programming / Electronics


Tercera obra de la serie Metástasis. Esta vez se trata de la incubación de material biológico vegetal y animal. He recolectado el material día a día con residuos de lo que cociné en la residencia, para resignificar la cotidianidad del desperdicio, o pensar tal vez otro vínculo posible con el deshecho cotidiano. Cada muestra se deposita en una caja de petri para evaluar su descomposición, las muestras son monitoreadas en tiempo real por un microscopio digital manejado por la performer. La imagen del microscopio es traducida a datos que se utilizan para generar/manipular imagen, sonido y luces en tiempo real.


Third work of Metastasis series. This time it is about the incubation of vegetal and animal biological material. I collected the material day by day with residues of what I cooked on the residency, to resignify the cotidianity of waste, or to maybe think about another possible link with everyday scrap. All the biological samples has being deposited on petri dishes to evaluate its decomposing process, the samples are monitored in real time by a digital microscope handled by the performer. The image of the microscope is translated to data that are used to generate/manipulate real-time image, sound and lights.


The Willows Nest Artist in Residence program. Director: Renée T. Coulombe.