
FCL Portrait

Corpus Tropos

Transmedia Performance (work in progress)

Proyecto CC (Matías Corno + FCL) / PHKT

(2017 - 2XXX)

Multichannel Video Projection / Sound Design / Performance / Sound Reactive VIsuals / VFX


Trabajo que conjuga características audiovisuales, electrónicas y performáticas, para la gestación de hilos narrativos o metáforas que abordan el concepto de cuerpo vivo y su libertad paradójica, de aquel cuerpo libre de ser preso del contexto que lo envuelve al vivir.


Work that conjugates audiovisual, electronic and performance characteristics for the gestation of narrative threats or metaphors which talks about the concept of living body and its paradojical freedom: about that body free to be prisoner of the context which surrounds it while living.